The Boost Gaming platform is ideal for experiential marketers — allowing for the consistent delivery of brands and customer experiences across a variety of different manufacturers and game themes. For bonusing applications, operators can create bonus games that deliver the desired experience they are attempting to achieve consistent throughout the players gaming experience regardless of the game they are on… something that is a tall feat to get a variety of game manufactures to cooperate to adjust the mechanics of their games to align with the casinos objective.
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Boost Gaming platform and / or its application software is protected by one or more patents: US 9652941, 9640031, US 9633508, US 9619964 US 9613491, US 9582963, US 9564004, US 9495836, US 9449469, US 9373107, US 9262887, US 9144743, US 9123203, US 9064375, US 8956211, US 8932130, US 8915783, US 8900057, US 8834253, US 8784213, US 8721449, US 8641522, US 8585479, US 8529342, US 8529328, US 8512144, US 7335106, US 7255350, US 6601848, US 6089975 and/or one or more other US and foreign patents pending.